Spheres Of Light is a friendly and open eclectic pagan organisation that celebrates the circles of life and the seasons through ritual and gatherings. We have been conducting our activites in the Sutherland Shire & Illawarra region for over 6 years and we have within our ranks a combination of pagans, wiccans, witches, heathens, shamans etc who come together to share experiences, understandings and teachings.
Spheres Of Light endeavours to create gatherings and environments that are educational, empowering, healing and fun and which will support seekers in their journey to realise their own inner truths and potential. We seek to do this through ritual, group work, classes, meditations and social functions. From its beginnings, Spheres Of Light has placed a strong emphasis on training across a wide spectrum of diverse topics. All of the classes and workshops are highly interactive and experiential, focusing on participation and engagement of participants.
For those dedicated seekers who are embarking upon a journey of discovery to know themselves and to experience new realities we hold Dark Moon circles which are held during the dark moon of each month. Each member of the Dark Moon circle embarks on the "Shaman's Journey", this is a journey where we learn to walk between the worlds at will. We learn to face our shadow self and in the process find healing for ourselves. The Shaman's Journey is a program that assists us to connect and live in harmony with nature and with the seasons and cycles of life. Our activities are focused on integrating and adapting ancient teachings and shamanic techniques into our own perspective of contemporary Witchcraft. Each member brings to this Circle their own unique skills, knowledge and qualities, which helps to make the experience of the Circle a valuable resource of learning.
In the process of learning how to walk between the worlds Spheres Of Light (SOL) has created a sub group called SOuL Searchers, which carries out paranormal investigations from a shamanic perspective. During these investigations we conduct in depth evaluations of spiritual activity from our own unique perspective in order to help grounded souls move on to higher realms and to further our own understanding of the nature of spirits and the afterlife.
In conclusion, our organisation is based on friendly and open communication, where everyone's belief system is respected and valued. We operate on the basis that each person within their journey will have their own unique experiences based on their own perceptions and relationship to spirit. These unique experiences and knowledge become valuable resources that we can share with each other. We believe that the essence of our truth is simple, and that is the truth of our experience of connection with ourselves, the earth and spirit, and the inspiration this provides.
